Call for Posters and Demos
Download the Call for Posters and Demos

IEEE Eighth International Conference on
May 28-30, 2014, Marrakesh, MOROCCO
Posters and Demos submission deadline: March 23, 2014

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RCIS is becoming a recognised conference on research challenges in information sciences. Organised for the eighth time in a row, RCIS 2014 will be held from May 28-30, 2014.

RCIS will feature posters in a poster session and offer the opportunity for demonstrations of tools in a demonstration session. Both sessions will provide a forum for researchers to showcase their work and obtain feedback on on-going research from knowledgeable conference attendees. Posters and demonstrations submitted to the sessions may cover any topic of the conference.

  • Posters are intended to convey a research result and are not advertisements for commercial software packages. While posters need not describe completed work, they should report on research for which at least some preliminary results are available.
  • Demonstrations should directly and actively involve the exhibition and display of software prototypes, research tools and associated materials that illustrate research work in progress and can serve as ground for discussion of research ideas.
At RCIS’2014, among other regular topics a special attention will be given to Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA has gained a significant impact in various fields of information science since social links between agents appear to be much effective to explain individual and global phenomena in multiple domains like biology, politics or business. It addresses both theoretical and practical issues using graph theory and data mining techniques. The impact of SNA has been recognized also in the Information Systems community. Providing support for network analysis, such as tracing, propagation, visualization, simulation, etc., new IT capabilities account also for the network existence as such, in terms of its creation, maintenance and visibility.

Besides the works on social network analysis and its application in the field of Information Science, which is the special topic of RCIS’14, posters and demonstration session at RCIS welcomes submissions from any domain of Information Science. The list of interested topicsincludes, but is not limited to:

  • Social Network Modeling and Simulation
  • Social Network Mining
  • Applications of Social Network Analysis
  • Information System Engineering
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Database and Information
  • System Integration
  • Data Management
  • Information Search and Discovery
  • Software Testing
  • Software engineering
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Web Information Systems
  • Grid Computing and Cloud Computing
  • Social Computing
  • User Centred Approaches
  • Decision Information Systems
  • Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge Discovery from Data
  • Business Process Analysis, Modelling and Design
  • Business Applications
  • Information Security Risk
  • Information and Value Management
Posters and demonstrations proposals must be submitted as a single PDF file with no more than 2 pages. The two pages shall contain an abstract describing the research content of the poster or what is going to be demonstrated in a demonstration, along with the significance of the contribution to IS technologies, title, authors, institutional affiliations and electronic contact information. Proposals that exceed the limit of 2 pages will be rejected without review.

Papers that have already been accepted or are currently under review for other conferences or journals will not be considered for publication at RCIS 2014. Authors are invited to submit papers in English.

Submissions will be reviewed and selected proposals will be published in the RCIS’2014 Conference Proceedings published by IEEE Xplore digital library.

Consequently, posters and demonstrations, paper submissions for posters and demonstrations must be formatted using the IEEE 2-column format ( They should be limited to a number of pages as indicated above for each type of the submission and submitted in PDF format. Please use the IEEE PDF eXpress tool (available at, detailed instructions here to convert your source file into IEEE Xplore compliant PDF File or to check if your own PDF file is IEEE Xplore compliant. IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function). The conference ID for IEEE PDF eXpress tool will be provided soon on the RCIS 2014 web site. It is important to note that submitting a file to IEEE PDF eXpress is only for creation of a compliant PDF file, you must still submit your final paper through online submission.

Proposals must be submitted using the conference submission site (, where you choose “Posters and Demos Papers Section”. Then, in the submission page, after “Title, Abstract and Other Information” section select “Poster paper” or “Demo paper”.
Authors of accepted posters will receive an opportunity to complete a short oral presentation during a special poster session included in the main programme. Well-crafted posters will tell the story well by themselves, but authors of posters are expected to be available to describe and discuss the work presented in the poster during the session.

The poster dimensions will be 76 cm by 100 cm (30” by 40”), with poster content mounted on rectangular poster board we will provide. The layout may consist of several individual sheets of paper or a monolithic large sheet.
Authors of accepted demonstration proposals will have a chance to present their material to conference attendees during a special demonstration session included in the main programme. Authors of demonstrations are expected to be available to present, describe and discuss the work behind the prototype during the session.

Authors should bring to the session the material they need to present the demo. Any special request should be communicated and agreed with the organisation sufficiently in advance.

By submitting a paper, authors implicitly agree that at least one of them will register to the conference and present the paper (at leastone registration for each accepted paper). Only papers that have been presented by their authors during the conference will be published in IEEE Proceedings.
Abstract submission deadline: February 15, 2014
February 19, 2014 (extented)
Posters and Demos submission deadline: March 15, 2014 (23:59 Central European Time)
March 23, 2014 (23:59 Central European Time)
Notification to Authors and Registration Opening: April 19, 2014
Camera-ready copies for all papers: May 7, 2014
RCIS’2014 Conference: May 28-30, 2014
Sergio España Universitat Politècnica de València Spain
Dejan Lavbič University of Ljubljana Slovenia

Raian Ali Bournemouth University United Kingdom
Jose Luis de la Vara Simula Norway
Giovanni Giacchetti Universidad Andres Bello Chile
Arturo González Universitat Politécnica de València Spain
César González­‐Perez Incipit CSIC Spain
Izabela Kolaric Croz Croatia
Patricia Martin-­Rodilla Incipit CSIC Spain
Ravi Ramdoyal CETIC Research Center Belgium
Marcela Ruiz Universitat Politécnica de València Spain
Hrvoje Šimić Croz Croatia
Lovro Šubelj University of Ljubljana Slovenia
Olegas Vasilecas Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Lithuania
Eric Verhulst Altreonics Belgium

IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science 2014 (c)

RCIS 2014

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