
19th Research Challenges in Information Science

Advancing Information Science and Information Systems Quality in the Era of Complexity

Seville, Spain, 20 - 23 May, 2025

Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published when the conference is finished

Advancing Information Science and Information Systems Quality in the Era of Complexity

Knowledge and technology are constantly evolving as a result of research & development, including in Information Science. However, recent fast progress in areas such as AI, quantum computing, and extended reality might lead to a revolution in a short time, not only to an evolution. How we collect and use information might radically change. The impact, challenges, and concerns from the use of advanced AI (e.g., large language models), more powerful computing systems, and new digital worlds are common topics in our discussions nowadays. They also affect other areas, including security, ethics, and education. Is a revolution really about to happen? Or is it only a new evolution? Will this depend on the Information Science areas in which progress is made or those affected? What role will base technologies such as data quality models, machine learning, conceptual models, and ontologies play? What will standards and best-practices need to consider?

Domain Knowledge Engineering (DKE)

A selection of the best accepted papers of RCIS 2024, chosen by a dedicated committee, will be invited to submit an extended version of the RCIS paper to the Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) journal published by Elsevier (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/data-and-knowledge-engineering). The selection of the papers to invite will be based on the review scores and arguments and the potential for extension.

Keynote Speakers

Fabiano Dalpiaz

Giancarlo Guizzardi

Carlos Ribas

Rebeca Gutierrez

RCIS 2025 will be held in Seville, Spain, organised by

To be announced

Commitment to sustainability
Throughout human history, we have organised ourselves into larger and larger structures, from the first tribes of our prehistory to today's megacities.

In recent decades we have become aware that our living space is not limited to the structures we inhabit, but extends to the entire planet and that our actions have a global influence.

This has led us to consider with increasing interest and necessity the sustainability of everything we do so that the impact on the environment that allows us to exist is as small as possible.

Therefore, it is our duty and responsibility to seek and implement sustainability measures so that we can all enjoy an environmentally responsible and sustainable congress.

We have developed the following initiatives to improve sustainability:

  • First, we have identified the rooms that have the best lighting and conditioning in order to reduce the need for energy expenditure.

  • Second, we have defined a collection of metrics to implement and evaluate different sustainability-related initiatives. These metrics include number of vegan menus consumed, proximity of the food served on the menus, number of public transport trips made by attendees and hours of the day when the electricity is switched off.

  • Finally, we have worked on the production and application of sustainable badges made from recycled materials.

  • for more information, contact webmaster

    Research Challenges in Information Science Series